This collection of links is not meant to be comprehensive. These links and others were used to research information about ships found on stamps as well as general philatelic purposes. There are many other possible sites so if you find a site that you think would be of general benefit, please let the webmaster know. To be considered for inclusion, a site must be somewhat general,not associated with one ship (some exceptions). Collections of links to museums, nautical or stamp topics are best. Correction to any of these links would be much appreciated.

If you would like to take responsibility for this Links Page, please let the webmaster know.

Seemotive Maritime Motivphilatelie! This German web site is the basis for the New Issues and Ship Topics links on our web site.

Philatelie Marine A site in both French and English with some good exhibits on various ship stamp topics NOTE: A new section about the Northwest Passage above Canada has been added.

Ship Stamp Society Our ship stamp collector counterparts in the United Kingdon.

Ship Stamps Forum in the UK. A site dedicated to discussion of ships found on stamps with an elegant interface.

Ship Theme Gallery A blog from India with good information and news.

American Topical Association is the leading stamp topical organization in the world.

American Philatelic Society is the largest, nonprofit society in the world for stamp collectors.

Traveling Post Office (Rail and Sea) covers the whole gamet of posts on railroads and ships. Good coverage of various seapost questions.

Universal Ship Cancellation Society Ship covers of all types but especially naval covers.

Lighthouse Stamp Society Where would ships be without lighthouses? On the rocks, so check out this lighthouse page. This is by far the best lighthouse stamp site anywhere.

A general web search will give you many more sites ranging from the very useful to those on the margins. Remember that much of the fun in philately is in the search.